Prevent falling, be vigilant of the elderly’s “last fall”

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Weixin Official Accounts Platform Prevent falls, beware of the elderly’s ‘last fall’ WiEyes Senseless Guard Miaomi Technology Miaomi Technology Nanjing Miaomi Technology Co., Ltd. Nanjing Miaomi Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2017. The core technology comes from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The company has been focusing on the underlying technology construction of millimeter wave + AI and has taken the lead in realizing the empowerment of ‘AI large model technology’ to millimeter wave radar products. 24 original contents December 13, 2024, 17:45 Jiangsu For the elderly, falling down is not as simple as getting back up. A child needs a year to gain independent motor skills, ten years to gain independent action skills, but an elderly person can lose both in one day. 01 Falling, the leading cause of injury death for the elderly According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 684,000 people die each year globally from falls, with the elderly over 60 accounting for the largest proportion of fatal falls. Statistics show that the annual incidence of falls among elderly people over 65 years old worldwide is 28%~35%, and the incidence of falls among elderly people over 70 years old is as high as 32%~42%. WHO’s global report on the prevention of falls in the elderly (source WHO) Falls are so common that we easily ignore their harm. Data from the Chinese Disease Surveillance System show that falls have become the leading cause of injury death for elderly people over 65 years old in China; after falls/injury ≥60 years old, the most likely injury is bruises/scratches (42.17%), followed by fractures (31.79%). Among them, ‘hip fractures’ are the most prominent, with more than 95% of hip fractures caused by falls. Falls are a low-energy injury, with the root cause of fractures being osteoporosis, where bone strength is reduced and it is easier to break, and the bone healing ability is poor. Elderly people with hip fractures often have multiple complications such as pneumonia, pressure ulcers, deep vein thrombosis, etc. Statistics show that the mortality rate within 6 months after a hip fracture is 10%~20%, and the one-year mortality rate is as high as 20%~30%. Moreover, due to lack of family care, elderly patients with hip fractures are often seen moving between various community medical institutions. Because of the high rate of disability and mortality, hip fractures are called ‘the last fracture of life’. A series of problems caused by the failure to send the elderly for timely treatment after the fracture, the golden rescue time has not been seized, 02 When the elderly fall down In fact, simple hip fractures have limited impact on the human body. But due to the special anatomical structure of the hip, fractures will severely limit the patient’s activities, and the complications brought by long-term bed rest are more harmful. Surgery is the choice of most people, but can the elderly withstand surgery? According to the type of fracture and age, the Kaplan-Meier survival curves of the general population and fracture population (source JAMA) A prospective cohort study from the international medical journal JAMA found that the mortality rate associated with hip fractures remained high for up to 10 years. It should be noted that the probability of falling and fracturing again after a fall will greatly increase. 03 Beware of ‘the last fracture of life’ Most elderly people’s falls occur in places we consider safe and at routine times. A study by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention investigating data from more than 200,000 elderly falls from 2015 to 2018 found that: The home is the most common place for elderly falls (56.41%); it is easier to fall during leisure activities (37.56%), followed by doing housework (24.20%), and walking (15.7%); during the day, the time when elderly people are most likely to fall is in the morning (82.29%), especially between 8:00-10:59 AM. One of the most effective measures to reduce fractures is to prevent falls. But for the elderly, the accident of falling cannot be avoided by just being ‘a little careful’. Miaomi Technology fall alert sensing device, empowered by wireless sensing AI large model technology and millimeter wave radar, non-contact, real-time monitoring and tracking of different human behaviors (standing, sitting, lying, falling), protecting privacy, can monitor 24 hours in indoor scenes such as bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens. It can not only timely alert when the elderly suddenly fall, but also accurately monitor various behaviors such as squatting, showering, mopping, on the bed, off the bed, and staying, helping family members and caregivers easily grasp the health status of the elderly. 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Video Mini Program Like , double-tap to cancel like Wow , double-tap to cancel watching Share Comment Favorite Miaomi Technology Prevent falls, beware of the elderly’s ‘last fall’, choose message identity ‘elderly fall’, ‘how to prevent?’, ‘GLOBALLY’, ‘684’, ‘000’, 13, ‘2ND’, ‘Fallsaretheworld’s’, ‘LEADINGCAUSE’, ‘80%’, ‘of’, ‘Globally’, ‘of’, ‘unintentionalinjurydeaths and’, ‘fatalfallsoccurinlow-and’, ‘arethemaincauseofmorbidityfor’, 13, 13, ‘WHOGlobalReport’, ‘on FallsPrevention in Older Age’, ‘WorldHealth’, ‘Organization’, ‘Generalpopulation’, ‘Hip fracture’, ‘Vertebral fracture’, ‘Major fracture’, ‘Minor fracture’, ‘Age

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